What Does an Advocate Do?

What Does an Advocate Do?

I operate under the premise that there are no professional educators who are intentionally finding ways to harm children. However, I also feel that parents know their chilren better than anyone else. An Advocate is someone who knows the education law, is knowledgeable about special education disabilities, is aware of potential programs and accommodations that could be helpful to the child, and can help parents understand those things before attending an ARD/IEP meeting.

Walking into an ARD meeting can be very imtimidating for a parent. I understand the dynamics of the meeting and the specific steps required by the ARD/IEP team. It is an advocate’s job to assist the parent as they work with the school to get the best possible education for the child.

It has always been my philosophy to do what is best for the child, let me help you through the ARD/ IEP process.


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